Global Greenchem Innovation and Network Program
This program, this initiative has ambitious goals, goals that are crucial for us, our environment and our future. The goal is to connect the global green chemistry & engineering community, actively engage the community in research and education at all levels, and focus on knowledge generation and local technology acceleration in industries of emerging nations.
Component 1
Connect, Communicate, Create
The global network will connect individuals and collectives, forming a platform to communicate: scientists, entrepreneurs and governmental representatives, any stakeholder from industry, academia and non-governmental organizations with the desire to create.
Create a communication ecosystem for information exchange, education, training and support of green innovation and purposeful design, for an enduring connection between:
• Entrepreneurs seeking mentors and investors for new and disruptive technologies;
• Investors looking for sustainable technologies for their portfolio;
• Green chemistry & green engineering experts and novices interested in networks and idea exchange;
• Representatives from academia searching for trends and training in green chemistry;
• Educators looking for a platform to distribute and further develop education material;
• Technical experts and mentors wishing to contribute to the growing knowledge of sustainable technologies;
• Chemists, engineers and all scientists developing sustainable ideas and looking for inspiration.
Component 2
Accelerate Green Chemistry
The accelerator program will bring people together: six (6) multi-year events will enable startups and small companies from emerging nations to participate in trainings on green chemistry and green business, capitalizing on a global network of key people and game changers. We seek promising green technologies, up-and-coming innovators and interesting entrepreneurs. The development and implementation of strong national innovation capacities in emerging nations will accelerate promising business models.
Component 3
Change Industry
This initiative will focus on projects attacking sustainability challenges from local industries including PVC, electronics, textiles, foams and cellulose:
• Alternatives to hazardous chemicals, persistant organic pollutants (POPs) and heavy metals like mercury;
• New materials fighting ocean pollution and the effects of microplastics;
• Bio-based products reducing landfill waste and non-renewables dependence;
• Methods for the reduction of carbon emissions fostering climate change mitigation;
• Key technologies necessary to abandon petroleum dependance.